Thursday, February 23, 2012

Back To The Future

In an attempt to make everything that's old new again, I decided to repaint my old filing cabinets. It sounds so simple. Four file drawers were quickly loaded into four boxes and I headed out to the driveway with cans of gloss white spray paint. The file cabinets were neatly arranged on an old shower curtain. A couple quick coats of paint and it was mission accomplished. Not hardly! Oh the cabinets looked all fresh and knew, but this was also my opportunity to clean out my files, cull out those things that were no longer useful and consolidate. What a stellar idea! Thus began the sentimental journey of more than forty years of my life as an artist. Like most journeys it consisted of photos, notes and postcards. Everything I touched was full of memories and dreams. I have to admit that at times the emotions that came bubbling up- some sweet, others sad, threatened to swamp the whole project. All of these bits of information were part of who I have become. It also illuminates the path that leads me to the future. I wonder who it is I'm yet to be? Well whoever it is, I have really nice orderly files and a new coat of paint!